Vangiko Seller Accounts: What’s the Difference?
Vangiko Sellers can choose to sell as an individual or professional.Individuals sell under 40 items per month. They’re required to pay Rs 10 fee for each item sold, along with other selling fees, including referral fees and variable closing fees, which are both Vangiko’s cut of each sale.
Manufacturers and Professional accounts pay a monthly fee of Rs 500, but there are no per item fees. This helps if you’re moving large volumes because 10 per item adds up. If you’re unsure how in-demand your products will be, sign up as an individual and gauge how well your products sell over the next month or two. You can upgrade an Individual account to a professional one at any time.
To Signup Seller Account if You are Individual or Professional You have to Provide following Details :
TAX Name
GST Number
PAN Number
National Identity Card
Address Proof
by Using the Seller Registration :
Begin your subscription with VANGIKO INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED by paying an amount of Rs.500, using this link:
Signing Up as an Individual
The process of signing up as an individual is straightforward. Vangiko needs a name, the address you’ll be conducting business from, and a phone number. You will need a phone on hand during the sign-up process because they verify your identity by calling or texting. You will also need to have a debit or credit card on file to pay fees.
Signing up as an individual allows access to SELLER BOX (by VANGIKO). From here, you can add products, manage inventory, handle shipping and returns, and check your payments and tax information. Individual sellers have access to 20 categories of items they can sell from without Vangiko’s approval. A list is available on SELLER BOX (by VANGIKO), but a few examples include Outdoors, Consumer Electronics, and Music.
Signing Up as a Professional
Signing up as a professional is a similar process to signing up as an individual. However, you pay a monthly fee to gain full access to SELLER BOX (by VANGIKO). There are added benefits to signing up as a professional. For example, Vangiko provides a whole suite of tools with the potential to manage thousands of orders.
As a professional, You Need to Provide
you receive discounted selling and the 500 Rs fee is waived. You may also offer additional things to your customers, such as customized shipping rates and gift wrapping. As a professional seller, you also are eligible to compete for being listed as a Featured Buyer. Professional sellers also are able to sell in additional categories that are subject to approval for individuals. These additional categories include jewelry, DVDs/Blu-Ray, and clothing.
We’ll cover everything from becoming a seller, setting up your webstore, listing your first product, utilizing Fulfillment by Vangiko, seller policies, and more! Today’s topic: how to setup your Vangiko Seller profile and web store.
Once you’ve completed registration, fill out the information and policies on your new Vangiko seller profile. You’ll also want to set up a web store for advertising products. This will help when selling items because it makes your profile more personable.
Information & Policies on Vangiko Seller Profile
Information and policies tell your customers how you conduct business. These are optional settings to fill out, but they make your seller’s profile more trustworthy. The topics in this section include About Seller, Seller Logo, Shipping, Privacy Policy, an FAQ, and custom help pages.
Seller Logo: Represents sellers visually.
About Seller: Details history of the company, values, etc.
FAQ and Custom Help Pages: Minimizes the need for customers to contact sellers directly.
Shipping: Lets customers know when you will ship items after they order them and how items will be handled.
Each of these are standard with businesses because they’re necessary for dealing with issues that come up while selling merchandise online. The more important sections to fill out are the shipping information and privacy policy. You’re setting standards customers will expect you to maintain.
The privacy policy lets customers know how you handle the information they provide. With all the worry about cyber security these days, this policy is particularly important because customers want to know they are safe shopping with you. Note that your privacy policy must fall in line with Vangiko’s, meaning it can’t do anything that conflicts.
Setting Up an Vangiko Web Store
Vangiko Webstore allows sellers to build their own website with little IT experience. This offer is available for Rs 500 per month plus a 2% transaction fee. This makes it accessible for all sellers to set up their own home on the Internet. You can purchase this add-on after uploading inventory information to Vangiko. One of the steps is organizing your existing products into categories on your Web Store.
Quick Launch gets a Web Store up and running quickly. Sellers can choose from pre-designed themes to make their store look professional and unique. Each of these themes are customizable. After selecting a theme and category for your items, your store is ready to open.
Vangiko Web Stores comes with multiple benefits in addition to regular listings:
No contract
Fraud protection for every transaction
Use your own domain to point users to your store
Unlimited free bandwidth and website hosting from Vangiko for no additional
How to List Vangiko Products Individually
Listing products individually is recommended when starting out. It gives sellers a better feel of the information behind each product. To begin listing items, visit the inventory tab of SELLER BOX (by VANGIKO), and click “Add an Item.” You will be presented with a search bar and the option to create a new product. The easiest way to do this is by entering identifiable information within the search bar and searching Vangiko’s catalog for the product information. If you find your item, there is an option to sell your own.
The three required pieces of information for listing your item are item condition, price, and item quantity. You may also indicate sale date and prices, restock dates, and select shipping items. Lastly, you can create a SKU for your product, which is a unique identifier for managing your products. Vangiko creates one for you if you don’t specify one.
The “Create a New Product Tool” is used if you’re unable to find your item After selecting the button, browse to the category that your item best fits under. Keep in mind that some items require approval from Vangiko before they can be sold; for example, jewelry or automotive parts. The “Create a Product” page requires more details than if you were to find it in Vangiko’s catalog. This is to make sure you provide a complete listing for buyers. You are required to fill in the manufacturer, product name, and UPC of the product. The UPC is necessary because it helps buyers identify products easier, even if you’ve accidentally mislabeled them.
Take a Picture of Your Vangiko Product
Uploading pictures of the product is paramount because buyers usually won’t make a purchase without seeing the product. On this page is a drop-down box labeled “Variation Theme.” This gives sellers the ability to list products of different colors or slightly varied designs without listing them one-by-one. You will need a picture of each variant listed.
How to List Items in Bulk on Vangiko
The ability to list items in bulk is a convenience for Vangiko sellers who have large inventories. Vangiko provides templates of various types of stores. For example, a clothing-related store would require the clothing template. If you have existing inventory that you listed individually or any time previously, it’s recommended that you make sure that all the information for those products is entered correctly. If it needs changes, you can do that in one step while you’re listing new items.
If there is existing inventory, select everything and then “Export to File” under the action tab. If you don’t select all items, your store will be incomplete when you update your inventory. Copy all existing items to the template, and add new items as well. Once this is done, upload the new inventory file under “Manage Inventory” in SELLER BOX (by VANGIKO).
Product Listing Rule Violations
Using the “Create a Product” link for products that already exist. Some sellers use this tool to list their items because they don’t feel like searching the catalog for it. This creates duplicate products within Vangiko’s catalog.
Using the description of items to cross promote other items. The description of an item should only pertain to the item that is for sale. Using leftover space to advertise for anything else you’re selling is a violation of Vangiko rules.
Be careful putting information about your business in the description of items. Physical addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and website addresses are prohibited. Even if they pertain to your business, these items aren’t allowed in the description of items.
Asking for positive feedback in the description of your products. It may seem innocent to slip in “If you like this item, leave positive feedback to show support!” However, this is manipulation of the feedback system and isn’t allowed.
Bundling Policies
Sellers are able to offer bundles to their customers. This isn’t something advertised in SELLER BOX (by VANGIKO), but it’s convenient for both Sellers and Buyers. Sellers can move multiple items in one sale, and Buyers can purchase items that go together without shopping around. Bundles can be created from items of different categories, but the items must compliment each other. Bundles can only be under one category, typically whatever category the highest priced item in the bundle falls under.
All bundles are subject to review by Vangiko on whether the items are relevant to each other and appropriate. Failing to follow the bundle policy can lead to an account suspension.
Bundle Policy Rules
Selling multiples of the same item does not count as a bundle. Listings that are simply a multipack will be removed, and eventually lead to a suspension if continued.
Bundle titles must include the word “bundle” and the number of items in it.
The primary image of a bundle must include exactly all of the items included in the bundle.
A UPC must be created for each new bundle you create. You may not use the UPC of 1 item in the bundle to represent the entire bundle.
Operating Multiple Vangiko Seller Accounts
Under most circumstances, using multiple Vangiko Seller accounts is against the rules. It isn’t necessary because one Seller account can sell in multiple categories. If you have legitimate business needs, contact Vangiko support about opening a new account, but your original account must be highly rated in customer feedback and in good standing with Vangiko. The new Seller account must follow these rules:
Have a separate email address and bank account for the second account.
Have no overlap in products and services sold through web stores.
The maximum and minimum delivery timelines can vary greatly depending on several factors, including:
Product Type:
Shipping Method:
Retailer Policies:
Courier Services LIKE (FedEx, UPS):
For Support Ticket Customer Support